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Info zu Clinical Neurophysiology / Clinical Neurophysiology Practice

August 14, 2015

Dr. Martin Graf
Univ. Doz.
The Austrian Society for Clinical Neurophysiology

Dear Dr. Graf,

There are some major changes in the wind, and we would like to let you know of them before they become “public”.

ExCo recognises that Clinical Neurophysiology has increasingly become a more elite research-orientated journal, and cannot cater for all of the IFCN community’s needs, particularly in education and clinical practice.
The Federation will therefore be starting a new journal, with a tentative starting date of January 2016. The new journal will be titled Clinical Neurophysiology Practice, and will fill a gap in our current offerings by providing a vehicle for our educational aspirations. This new journal will be owned by IFCN but will be published by Elsevier, in tandem with Clinical Neurophysiology. The new journal will be Open Access and e-only (i.e., there will be no print version). Initially the journal will be overseen by a small team: David Burke as Editor-in-Chief and Josep Valls-Sole and Susan T. Herman as Associate Editors. The scope of this new journal is spelt out below.

Clinical Neurophysiology will continue as our research-orientated journal. David Burke completes his terms as Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Neurophysiology and Ulf Ziemann will take over from January 1, 2016. The journal is travelling well and has cemented its place as the premier journal in our discipline, with a 2014 JCR impact factor of 3.097. In the near future, possibly as soon as next year, we plan to abandon the paper version of Clinical Neurophysiology, and the journal will then be electronic only, with papers published (and paginated) soon aBer the corrected proofs have been received (“article-based publication”). Final publication should then be possible within <2 months of acceptance dependent on the speed of the authors. There will be an additional benefit for authors: there need be no charge for colour diagrams. As is the case now, articles may be published “Open Access” (i.e., the authors, their grants or institutions cover the publications costs and anybody can read the article) or not “Open Access”, in which case readers (or their institutional libraries, etc) need to subscribe to the journal. When these changes occur has not yet been decided, and may well be in the hands of Elsevier.

Best wishes,

Mark Hallett

David Burke
Editor-in-Chief designate, Clinical Neurophysiology Practice

Scope of Clinical Neurophysiology Practice. This new journal will have a niche in supporting established clinical practice, an educational role for trainees, technicians and practitioners, and will be a vehicle for extended case reports and a forum for discussion of clinical practice. This is in addition to providing an opportunity for good papers that do not fall within the research priorities of Clinical Neurophysiology (e.g., normative studies; good studies that are confirmatory or do not advance knowledge significantly; technical and methodological studies).